The Workplace Cleaning and Hygiene Procedure Checklist

A full area-by-area cleaning checklist for the workplace.
14 August, 2024 by
The Workplace Cleaning and Hygiene Procedure Checklist
XO2® Pty Ltd, David Blamire

Having procedures and systems in place is essential when cleaning an entire workplace. A checklist means cleaning staff will not miss anything and will work faster and more effectively. No time is wasted stopping and figuring out what to do next or wondering if everything has been cleaned.

A procedure checklist also ensures that jobs are completed safely and to the highest standard, as expectations are clearly outlined for each and every cleaning task. The checklist below has been created with reference to XO2’s range of top-quality cleaning products and supplies.

Front Office / Reception / Foyer

Wipe down and disinfect desks, tables and countertops using Bobby Dazzler or 5 in 1 disinfectant and cleaner. Be sure to clean under magazines and behind vases.
Disinfect touchpoints with Disso wipes. Touchpoints are commonly touched items like phones, door handles and switches. See below for more information on touchpoints.
 Bins: Empty bins and replace the garbage bag. Wipe inside the bin if anything has made its way through the bag.
 Tidy area: Arrange any magazines, vases, or other items in the reception area neatly.
Dust surfaces: Including lamps, windows, blinds and any screens.

More about touchpoints:

Touchpoints are places hands regularly touch, which can then become contaminated with bacteria or viruses and pass those contaminants on. Touchpoints include:

• Countertops
• Cabinets
• Door and cabinet handles
• Switches and dials
• Stair rails
• Lift and door buttons
• Microwave buttons
• Desks
• Phones
• Mouses
• Keyboards
• Tables
• Chairs, including undersides of chairs and adjustment levers
• Toilet flush buttons
• Hand soap dispensers
• Taps
• Sanitary hygiene bins

Desks and other surfaces

Clear away any rubbish or kitchen items like cups and plates.
If there is any dirt or grime on surfaces, clean this off first.
Wipe and clean desks and cabinets with Bobby Dazzler, 5 in 1 or Disso. Clean under keyboards and behind monitors.
Disinfect keyboards, phones and other touchpoints with Disso Wipes or IPA Wipes.
 Dust surfaces: Dust any other surfaces, including windows, shelves and monitor screens.
 Bins: Empty bins and replace the garbage bag. Wipe inside the bin if anything has made its way through the bag.

Kitchens and lunchrooms

Clear away any rubbish or kitchen items like cups and plates.
If there is dirt or grime on surfaces, clean this off first.
 Dishes: Wash dishes, dry and put them away.
 Clean and disinfect sinks using our food area cleaner and sanitiser Cleansan.
Clean and disinfect all countertops, tables, and touchpoints with Cleansan.
Empty and clean any coffee machines, toasters, microwaves, or other appliances.
Ensure any items remaining on the countertops are arranged neatly.
 Bins: Empty bins and replace the garbage bag. Wipe inside the bin if anything has made its way through the bag.
 Refrigerator: Clean out the refrigerator if it is scheduled (usually once a week); remove all items and throw out anything that is not still in use or has gone off. Clean all shelves and wipe the interior walls and base of the refrigerator including any produce drawers. Replace food that is to be kept neatly back on shelves.

Bathrooms, Toilets and Showers

 Sinks & Benches: Clean and disinfect sinks and benches. Choose Wonder Gel, our bleach-based bathroom cleaning solution, or Bravo, our eco-friendly bathroom cleaner.
 Toilet Bowls & Urinals: Clean and disinfect toilets and urinals, being sure to scrub inside the bowl. Use Brush & Flush, our toilet bowl and urinal cleaner and stain remover. Alternatively, either of the cleaners mentioned above can also be used in toilets and urinal bowls.
 Showers: Clean showers and change rooms.
 Touchpoints: Thoroughly disinfect any dispensers, flush buttons, hand dryers, door handles, or other touchpoints with Wonder Gel or Bravo.
 Mirrors: Clean mirrors with Wow Fast Dry, our glass, mirror and shiny surface cleaner.
 Refill Dispensers: Refill toilet rolls, paper towels and soap where necessary.
 Bins: Empty bins and wipe them out. Line with a clean bin bag.
 Sanitary hygiene bins:  Service the Sanitary Hygiene Bins on a scheduled basis but a minimum once a month. However, the outside of the bin should be disinfectant wiped during regular cleaning service.


Tidy floors: Put away any items left out and move anything that can easily be moved while cleaning, such as bins and chairs.
Vacuum, sweep or dust mop floors.
 Mop: Mop all hard surface flooring. We recommend XO2’s Bobby Dazzler, our streak-free super cleaner.

Conference and meeting rooms

 Clear the area: Remove any rubbish or kitchen items left in rooms.
 Tables, Countertops & Chairs: Wipe down and disinfect tables and countertops with Bobby Dazzler or 5 in 1.
 Touchpoints: Disinfect touchpoints like phones, door handles and switches.
 Bins: Empty bins and replace the garbage bag. Wipe inside the bin if anything has made its way through the bag.

Front door and office exterior

 Windows: Clean the outside of the front windows with Wow Fast Dry and a microfibre cloth.
 Sweep floors: Sweep the area outside the door or use a blower.
 Clean entrance mats: A clean entrance mat stops more dirt at the door making inside cleaning easier.
 Clean door handles and touchpoints: Wipe the front door down and disinfect handles with Disso Wipes
 Carpark and pathways: Keep the carpark free of obstructions and rubbish.

The above can be used like a checklist, with cleaning staff ticking off each item once done. This is a great way to make sure nothing has been missed. Staff will be happier in a clean office, a good impression will be made on customers, and most importantly the spread of bacteria and viruses will be halted.

David Blamire, CEO at XO2

David is one of Australia's leading cleaning industry innovators. He's spent his entire working life solving cleaning challenges others thought were impossible. He's best known for his product creation and development skills along with a deep knowledge of business operations and all things ERP. In his spare time, David's a keen fisherman and adventurer. And he doesn't mind if you call him Davo.

Get in touch with David at He works from XO2's national headquarters and manufacturing centre in Queensland, Australia.

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